Why Stress Make You Hard to Fall Asleep?
Stress is a feeling when our bodies or minds react to pressure. When you are feeling stress, your body will send a message to your brain, to make yourself stay alert to your stress. It is because the body releases some hormone such as adrenaline and noradrenaline into bloodstream. Therefore, the heart rate will increase, breathe become shorter and faster, metabolism increase and change sleep pattern. If stress cannot be solved, the level of hormone still remains high in bloodstream. You will easy to feel tired, but you cannot fall asleep easily.
Some people will choose to smoking, drink too much alcohol or overeating to deal with their stress. These unhealthy habits will change the sleep pattern too. According to Dr. Chris Idzikowski, stress is one of the factors that cause insomnia. If you have good stress management, you will improve your sleep patterns.
Find out the worries and concern of you
You need to prepare a note book, write down the things that you need to do, the problems you face, and the possible solutions. You are suggested to do this before sleep, because you will not lie on the bed, and stay awake to think about the worries. Writing do to-do list will help you avoid the feeling of overwhelmed. It will make you feel organized and safe. Besides that, it also help you do your works effectively and reduce your stress daily.
Focus What You Do Now!
Sometime, you will feel stress when you worry your past or future. For example, you want to have a big house in your future, you try so hard to achieve your goal, but you will feel more stress before you really success to achieve the goal. The right thing to do is giving all of your attention to the here and now, rather than worrying about the past or future. You must do the best in the moment you are, but not worry the past or future, and you can remove the unnecessarily stress. You are happy with your life right now, rather than you will be happy when you achieve certain things.
Have A Good Social Life
Hanging out with friends daily can also help you to reduce the stress effectively. You can speak out and share your problems and concerns with your friends; they might be your good listener or help you to find some useful solutions. At the same time, your stress level will be reduced effectively.
Have A Laugh Everyday
Laughter helps to relieve stress by reducing levels of stress hormone in the body. Laugh also can help you to relax your muscle in upper body. Therefore, you can spend some time with friends who love to make you laugh, buy a joke book, watch some funny movies. When your stress is reduced, you will easy to fall sleep at night without any worries.
Stress is a feeling when our bodies or minds react to pressure. When you are feeling stress, your body will send a message to your brain, to make yourself stay alert to your stress. It is because the body releases some hormone such as adrenaline and noradrenaline into bloodstream. Therefore, the heart rate will increase, breathe become shorter and faster, metabolism increase and change sleep pattern. If stress cannot be solved, the level of hormone still remains high in bloodstream. You will easy to feel tired, but you cannot fall asleep easily.
Some people will choose to smoking, drink too much alcohol or overeating to deal with their stress. These unhealthy habits will change the sleep pattern too. According to Dr. Chris Idzikowski, stress is one of the factors that cause insomnia. If you have good stress management, you will improve your sleep patterns.
Find out the worries and concern of you
You need to prepare a note book, write down the things that you need to do, the problems you face, and the possible solutions. You are suggested to do this before sleep, because you will not lie on the bed, and stay awake to think about the worries. Writing do to-do list will help you avoid the feeling of overwhelmed. It will make you feel organized and safe. Besides that, it also help you do your works effectively and reduce your stress daily.
Focus What You Do Now!
Sometime, you will feel stress when you worry your past or future. For example, you want to have a big house in your future, you try so hard to achieve your goal, but you will feel more stress before you really success to achieve the goal. The right thing to do is giving all of your attention to the here and now, rather than worrying about the past or future. You must do the best in the moment you are, but not worry the past or future, and you can remove the unnecessarily stress. You are happy with your life right now, rather than you will be happy when you achieve certain things.
Have A Good Social Life
Hanging out with friends daily can also help you to reduce the stress effectively. You can speak out and share your problems and concerns with your friends; they might be your good listener or help you to find some useful solutions. At the same time, your stress level will be reduced effectively.
Have A Laugh Everyday
Laughter helps to relieve stress by reducing levels of stress hormone in the body. Laugh also can help you to relax your muscle in upper body. Therefore, you can spend some time with friends who love to make you laugh, buy a joke book, watch some funny movies. When your stress is reduced, you will easy to fall sleep at night without any worries.
Let Joke Book Make You Laugh:
Enjoy Their Laughing Video:
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